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The Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida is a fundraising effort that allows you, the employees of USF, to make a gift to the area of your choice at the University. These gifts stay at USF, and make a lasting impact in each area that you choose to support.

Have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.

Academic Affairs
Message From the Provost and Executive Vice President

Dear Friends and Colleagues, This year, I am hopeful that the Provost's Office will set a new bar for the rate of participation. It is my goal that we reach the goal of 100% participation I am ask that you please make a contribution however large or small. I thank you, in advance, for your consideration and generous support of this Campaign.

Ralph C. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President

Fund NameFund PurposeFund Number
Supporting the recruitment, progression, and graduation of USF students through scholarships for full or part-time undergraduate students, all majors in Academic Affairs, all colleges (excluding Health), Tampa campus. Both need and merit will be considered. 606005
The Feed-A-Bull Operating fund supports the ongoing operational needs of the campus food pantry which provides supplemental food and educational resources to students in need within the USF Tampa community. 590076
Provides affordable solutions to make course materials available to students 370023
Provides scholarships for students with disabilities 660051
Supports undergraduate Scholarships 660001
Supports global engagement opportunities for USF students 390940
Promotes the pursuit of educational goals for Academic Affairs Personnel 600011
Promote the Institute's mission in the area of Humanities at USF 420019
Supports the Library's mission with book and journal funding 376020

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of USF employees have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.THANK YOU!