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The Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida is a fundraising effort that allows you, the employees of USF, to make a gift to the area of your choice at the University. These gifts stay at USF, and make a lasting impact in each area that you choose to support.

Have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.

Message From the Dean

Thank you for your generosity!

Your contribution strenthens our electronic and print resources, enhances services offered to faculty and students, awards scholarships to deserving USF students, and builds distinctive research collections.

Your support allows us to "grow" our resources and innovate in our quest to be recognized as a top-tier academic library and to advance strategic priorities that drive student success and globally-relevant research.

Your invaluable support makes all of this possible. Thank you!


Todd Chavez
Dean, USF Libraries

Fund NameFund PurposeFund Number
Supports the library's top priorities determined by the Dean. Gifts immediately impact the services, collections, technology and programming that are critical to our students, faculty, researchers and community. 370010
To support the operations, programming, collection development and equipment purchases for the USF Tampa Library's Digital Media Commons 370022
Provides affordable solutions to make course materials available to students 370023
Supports operations, programs, collection development and equipment 370014
Supports the USF Tampa Library Special Collection 370002
Named in honor of a professor in the USF School of Library and Information Science, the Henrietta M. Smith Residency Program promotes and encourages diversity in the USF Libraries by funding the recruitment and compensation of a diversity librarian candidate for no less than one year. 376380

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of USF employees have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.THANK YOU!