Dear Student Success Colleagues:
It is with great appreciation that I thank all who contributed to the Faculty & Staff Campaign last year. Each year, the University embarks upon a Faculty & Staff Campaign, and the committed team in Student Success have always embraced the campaign, striving to exceed our goals, and this year, we are striving to do the same, but we need you!
You are essential to the work of Student Success and a tremendous asset to the University of South Florida. You invest your time and talent in our students and the university each day, and you extend yourself beyond the day to day work through your ongoing belief in and support of the mission and goals of the University. Student Success is everyone?s responsibility and this Campaign can assist the University in moving these important initiatives forward.
Please consider continuing your ongoing support of this great University-wide effort by making a contribution of any amount to any of the funds below. While we have an ambitious goal, please know the amount of your contribution is not as important as your participation.
Together, we will continue impacting the lives of our students, peers, and University community, so let?s make our mark on this year?s Faculty & Staff Campaign...starting now!
Most Sincerely,
Paul Dosal, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Success